Baby Violet


Portland Family Photographer

Kelli and Ben live in a home surrounded by trees, greenery, insects, and dirt paths that lead to nowhere. Their backyard is a secret garden, and it is the perfect place for Violet to explore. An afternoon with this family involved couch cuddles, roly-poly bug hunts, and grandma and grandpa kisses. Violet is the sweetest little girl and loves the independence to pick up rocks, walk on leaves, and chase butterflies.

Spending time with this family was extra special because I photographed Kelli and Ben’s wedding a few years ago. Being able to see families grow and communities evolve is one of my favorite perks of being a wedding and family photographer. Kelli and Ben lean into their family, and Violet is surrounded by grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. The support all of these family members provide one other is a way for them to teach their children about love. Having Ben’s parents take part in this session was a special addition, and I loved seeing how everyone interacted with each other.

Such a fun day! I’m so grateful to have been invited into this home to capture Violet’s sweet expressions, tiny hands, wobbly footsteps, and close cuddles.

Natalie Woodrum